Since school is constantly changing from Distance learning, to hybrid, to in-person, it was time to create an at home work station for my daughter. She’s only 7 so we haven’t gotten to the stage of her having a desk, almost all of her previous homework was done at our kitchen table. But, since school was scheduled to start with distance learning this year she finally needed a desk all to her own. So here’s how I built a Simple DIY Desk.
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Of course the easy thing would be to purchase one, but after days of searching online I couldn’t find anything small and reasonably priced. Even IKEA was sold out! So I drew up as simple of a desk as I could. Here’s how to build it.
How to make a Simple DIY Desk
First things first, I purchased a couple pieces of 2×3’s and for the top I used Stair Treads I had lying around. Why stair treads? Well I love using them with my IKEA Ekby brackets (see how here) so I have extra leftover, plus their inexpensive and solid wood to use for various projects.
Build Materials:
- (2) 1″ boards cut to 36″ x 10 3/4″ (I used these stair treads and ripped/cut the curved end off)
- (4) 2×3 cut to 29″
- (4) 2×3 cut to 16″
- (3) 2×3 cut to 27″
- Kreg pocket hole jig & clamp
- 2 1/2″ Kreg Screws
- 2″ Wood Screws
- Wood Glue
- Power Drill
Paint Materials:
- Stain (I mixed Minwax Weathered Oak and Golden Oak.)
- Polyurethane Sealer
- Minwax White Wash Pickling Stain
Build Steps:
1. Cut all your pieces of wood to size. As I mentioned above, I ripped the round edge off the stair threads, but you can always leave this if you like it.
2. Start drilling holes with the Kreg pocket hole jig & clamp into the 29″ and 16″ 2×3’s.
3. Build the 2 side frames with the 16″ and 29″ pieces. Make sure to glue as you screw the pieces together.
4. Then on a level surface, attach the 2 frames together with the 27″ pieces.
5. Next, prepare the top piece by drilling more holes with your Kreg pocket hole jig. If you have a large clamp then use it to hold the pieces while you screw them together. Don’t attach this piece to the base yet.
5. Now lightly sand everything down to prep for paint or stain. I ended up staining the top with a mix of Minwax Weathered Oak and Golden Oak.
6. For the base I used Minwax White Wash Pickling stain. I did this because I still wanted to see the grain of the wood.
7. Once the stain is set and dry, give the top a couple coats of polyurethane.
8. Finally, once everything is dried and sealed, attach the base to the top with wood screws.
Here’s the after!
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There you have it, a super Simple DIY wood desk. I love that its small and easy to move, so once she’s ready to do school work in her room it can easily be moved upstairs. Enjoy!