Thank you PayPal for sponsoring this post. Visit PayPal to give the gift people really want this season: money!
The holidays are quickly approaching and as you finish your shopping you might need some last minute help. Why not give Everyone What they Want for the Holidays with PayPal’s P2P holiday greetings?
With PayPal P2P holiday greetings, gift giving has never been more simple and easy. If your not familiar with it, it’s a way to send the gift of money to your friends and family.
You can send a PayPal P2P digital greeting by simply logging into your account on, select Send Money, enter the recipient’s contact information, designate the amount, click the gift box, select your favorite greeting, personalize with a message, and send. The funds go right into their PayPal account; if they don’t have an account, they can quickly open one for free.
With PayPal P2P, you can securely send and receive money with family and friends using just a phone number or email address between PayPal accounts. Be it food for Friendsgiving, the taxi to a holiday party, or that group gift for Mom and Dad, there are many reasons to use PayPal P2P payments this holiday season.
They also offer a variety of uniquely-designed digital holiday greetings.
So, if you’re in need of a last-minute gift or simply just don’t know what to get all of the people on your list, seize the season with PayPal’s free P2P holiday greetings so people can get what they really want this year: MONEY.
To learn more about PayPal’s holiday offerings, or PayPal P2P digital holiday greetings visit HERE.
Wouldn’t you love to receive PayPal P2P digital holiday greetings this Holiday season? Which design would you love to give or receive?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
That would be a great gift! I didn’t know PayPal was doing all that snazziness. I haven’t used my account in awhile since I haven’t sold anything in sometime. I will have to keep this secret weapon, hah. I have already finished my shopping.